Do you have a habit of smoking? Smoking is mostly done by teenagers, adults to parents. Although smoking can cause serious health problems but it does not become an obstacle. Many people who can not stop smoking because it is a habit and difficult to stop. But if indeed you intend to quit smoking then you really can do it. There are many people who quit smoking and live a smoke-free lifestyle with friends and family.
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Stop Smoking |
Why Stop Smoking?
The prohibition on the dangers of smoking is not only encouraged by government and health agencies but also by everyone. Includes the dangers of passive smokers or people who do not smoke and inhale cigarette smoke from others. There are a variety of very powerful reasons when a shop needs to stop immediately from this bad habit. The most powerful reason is health problems.
Cigarettes contain nicotine that can be left in the lungs and organs. This substance will continue to accumulate in smokers and it is difficult to get out of the body. Additionally, nicotine is addictive which means that quitting smoking takes a very hard effort. After nicotine is left in the body, the health hazards that have to be faced are very big like heart attack, liver, cancer, high blood pressure , impotence and other diseases. So, think about quitting now.
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How to Stop Smoking
Smoking habits can cause bad anxiety and depression . This means that smokers who do not get a cigarette within a certain time can get addicted. As a result it becomes depressed, irritable and other bad attitudes. In addition, health problems become a very big problem in the future.
Below are the different types of ways to stop smoking:
1. Strengthen the intention of round determination
For someone who is already addicted to smoking, quitting smoking will indeed be very difficult. Although only 15 minutes, it will be hard.
But that does not mean you can not stop smoking, nothing is impossible in this world. The first step you should do if you decide to quit smoking is to strengthen your intention and determination to quit smoking.
2. Ask for help from friends and family
Publish your desire to quit smoking to your family and friends. Get support from family and close friends to quit smoking. Ask them to always warn of the dangers of smoking for health whenever your desire to smoke comes again.
Then ask your family and friends who are cigarette addicts to not smoke in front of you or leave cigarettes in front of you. this can be a good starting point for how to stop smoking .
In addition it will strengthen your resolve to quit smoking when much support comes from your loved ones like your family and your closest friends.
3. Set your target time
If you have decided to quit smoking, make sure the target time to really be able to quit smoking. You can not just stop right away, it will be very difficult and will feel torturing you.
If you want to succeed to quit smoking you can start by reducing bit by bit, but you are also required to determine the time.
Put a target time of about 2 - 3 weeks to really be able to stop smoking. This is a powerful one for a powerful way to quit smoking without having to torture you, as you do it in a gradual but timely manner.
4. Starting from an easy way
How to stop smoking easily you can do by giving a sign for your circumstances. If you are in a very stressful state you are allowed to smoke but not in the same portion and many.
You can smoke with reduced levels, so not the same as the previous portion. If you were in a state of stress able to spend cigarettes in a pack quickly, now try is just smoking five cigarettes in one day.
But if your condition is fine and not in a state of stress you better not consume it at all. So you smoke in certain circumstances and just as well, this can really help you to quit smoking easily.
5. Avoid the habit to provoke the craving to smoke
Avoid some habits that can make you smoke like drinking coffee, alcohol, staying up and also bedebat.
But if you can not afford to avoid it all you can start to consume fruits and also milk because it will give an unpleasant impression if cemented with a cigarette.
Also do not combine smoking with casual activities like watching tv, reading magazines to sufing internet, it will worsen your habits and also not good for your health.
6. Create a Short Term Stop Smoking Plan
Quitting smoking can not be done abruptly and without a good plan. when you have a severe smoking habit then try to quit smoking for a while. You can make short-term plans by quitting smoking for two days, four, days, a week, two weeks and a longer time.
At first it may be that the body condition will form a rejection reaction. But you can give the best priority to your future choices.
7. Ask the Reason Why Are You Smoking?
Many people smoke for no reason and this means that actually cigarettes are not important to their lives. When you want to quit smoking then you can try to ask yourself. Do you smoke because of prestige, want to stand out, for the habit after eating, or you smoke because it feels more calm. After you ask about personal reasons then think again that there is absolutely no reason to smoke.
8. Make Announcement, If You Stop Smoking
Giving a special pride when it can quit smoking will be a very good achievement. How to stop smoking after setting a target time to quit smoking, then must tell friends or family. This step will remind yourself that you have made a commitment to quit smoking. The person you have already told will also provide support.
9. Find Friends to Quit Smoking
Looking for friends to quit smoking will make the program run better. A smoker must have a habit of reminding each other and getting support from people with the same vision. You can find friends or family to quit smoking. After that you can find various ways or new habits as a substitute for cigarettes.
10. Against Desire Smoking
Many people who have successfully quit smoking but only survive in the first stage only. This is usually because there is no other way to fight the desire to smoke. Smoking looks like a soul call but if after quitting smoking and starting to smoke again then it will give a different reaction to the body. So make a plan for how to stop smoking other like going with family and forget about the desire to smoke again.
11. Find busyness
If you want to succeed to quit smoking you can start the first day by keeping yourself busy with your activities. Do not get caught up in solitude so arise your desire to smoke again.
Look for more intense activities and make you forget to smoke like cycling, exercising, swimming etc. With a lot of activity and too dense time will make you more forget the desire to smoke because there is no time to do that.
12. Drink more water
By consuming a lot of water it will make toxins in your body quickly. Also consume water can also help you to stop smoking because it will not be delicious if it smokes with the accompanied by water.
So multiply drinking water, in addition to good health for your body of white water will also greatly help you to quit the bad habits of smoking that can damage your body health.
13. Busy yourself after eating
Many smokers who after eating they prefer to smoke cigarettes, but if you have decided you should really stop.
It's easy, change your habits, change your smoking habit after a meal by going straight to brushing your teeth or walking. That way you can forget your desire to smoke after eating.
Although a bit heavy if you do regularly and gradually you will get used to it all.
14. Avoid a place without cigarette smoke
Avoiding a place that is smoke free is very difficult at this time, but you can do it by choosing a smoke-free place like a library, or a bookstore. And if you're with your friends, take them to the no smoking area.
15. Replace cigarettes (nicotine) with others
Usually people will smoke in the morning accompanied by a glass of coffee, other than that people usually smoke after eating. many say "wis mangan ora udud enek".
If you fall into the category of people like that, eat from now on, replace cigarettes with other foods, can with rubber, brown, etc. Maybe initially it will be difficult but if familiarized, too long will be used.
16. Discard Cigarettes from your Neighborhood
Seeing cigarettes will make you interested again to smoke. So, after establishing a program to quit smoking then remove all cigarettes, cigarette packets and lighters from your home and workplace. Create a new environment to be healthier. In addition, remove any traces of cigarette or smoke left behind because it can make a return want to smoke. Clean all clothes from the smell of cigarette smoke, clean the car, and all parts of the house from the rest of cigarette smoke.
17. Avoid Neighborhood Smokers
If you have a social environment that has been a strong urge to smoke, then avoid temporarily. You should not avoid friendships or other types of relationships but those avoided are the urge to smoke again because they see friends or family smoking. How to stop smoking, can be very smooth as not entering the environment when they are smoking or say that you are trying to quit smoking.
18. Chew and Make Comfortable Mouth
Many smokers try to quit smoking but can not sustain this desire. The most commonly heard reason is an uncomfortable mouth like acid or bitter. To overcome this can make the mouth remain comfortable by chewing something like candy that contains mint, peanuts, kuaci, or carrots. Whatever type of food you can chew and keep busy not to think about cigarettes.
19. Sports
Exercise can be an excellent way to support your efforts to quit smoking. Cigarettes will make the physical ability is reduced and unhealthy.
The benefits of exercise for health can be started from a variety of light sports such as morning walks, jogging, or swimming. You can also join a fitness club to get a healthier and more supportive environment.
20. Follow the Therapeutic Program
Currently, many hospitals or clinics that provide therapy programs for active smokers who want to quit. How to stop smoking is very effective to help active smokers who want to stop either who have tried with various methods that are done alone or who have never tried. The goal of this therapy is to help active smokers get out of nicotine and leave unhealthy lifestyles .
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Tips for Quitting Smoking
Quitting smoking is difficult to do, even more difficult than when learning to smoke for the first time. This step is like the opposite of the process of knowing a cigarette. There are even some effects that arise after quitting smoking. Here are some tips for people who want to quit smoking:
Tell people around you, especially family and friends to understand your emotional and physical changes situation.
Getting support from friends or family is essential to make the process work.
When starting to stop smoking the body will form reactions like want to smoke, anger, depression, anxiety, nervousness, difficulty concentrating, better appetite, headaches and difficulty sleeping. So the best way to deal with these symptoms is to find friends or family to share.
The effort to quit smoking is very good to do. All good people included in heavy smokers and beginner smokers have health risks in the future. So, the step to quit smoking can provide a better hope for life in the future.
Source: Click Here
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