Based on data from the Ministry of Health, almost 80% of total smokers in Indonesia start smoking when the age has not reached 19 years. The most smoking age group in Indonesia is aged 15-19 years. In the second place is the age group 10-14 years. Shocking, is not it? In fact, the age is still classified as the age of children, when the body still needs a variety of supporting things to help maximize growth. What are the possible dangers if a person smokes from childhood or under the age of 18?
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Smoking Dangers |
The impact of smoking is fatal for all ages
Smoking habits are known to cause as many as 6 million people die every year in the world. Even estimated in 2030, the death rate caused by smoking habits reaches 10 million people every year. According to WHO, Indonesia is the third country with the largest number of smokers in the world after China and India.
Data found from Indonesia's Basic Health Research conducted in 2013, found that as many as 85% of households in Indonesia are exposed to cigarette smoke. From this calculation, it is estimated that at least 25 thousand people died due to passive smoking, while the number of active smokers deaths eight times greater than that number.
There is no benefit in smoking. The impact of smoking is entirely bad, in terms of the economy to health. One of the most common diseases caused by smoking is lung cancer. However, not only that, almost all parts of the body such as heart, kidneys, blood vessels, reproductive health, bones and muscles, lungs, and brain can be damaged by smoking.
Health hazards for young children and under-18s who have smoked
Smoking teenagers have poor health status compared to non-smokers. The most common thing experienced by these young smokers is headaches and back pain that often arise.
This is shown in a study involving 5000 young women who researched for 7 years. From the results of these studies, it is known that those who become active smokers are very frequent visits to the hospital with various health reasons, one of the most frequent is a problem in the bones and muscles. In addition, it is also known that teens who become active smokers experience a decrease in the ability to feel a sense of food and sleep disturbances.
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Smoking is dangerous!
Not only for adults, smoking is also very dangerous for teenagers. What are the dangers of smoking for teenagers? Here are some of the dangers of smoking for teenagers:
1. Saving sickness
Cigarettes is one of the highest disease producers. By smoking thousands of harmful substances such as nicotine and tar enter the body. Moreover, this smoking habit has started since the age of adolescence, which causes savings from the disease of individuals growing. The effect will not be immediately felt, but when stepping on the age of 30-40s, then at least there are some diseases that begin to infest. Smoking, can save a variety of dangerous diseases, such as:
- Cancer
- Hepatitis
- Diabetes
- Respiratory disorders
- Disorders of uterine health
- Kidney illness
- Lung disease
- Heart attack
- Stroke
And various other health disorders, which of course will harm and also endanger yourself
2. Possibility of difficulty in the field of achievement, especially sports
The dangers of smoking for teenagers cause lung function as well as respiratory function to be disrupted. The immediate effect of smoking on respiratory function is the shorter breath.
Shorter breathing, especially when a teenager becomes an active cigarette addict, will cause disruption to lessons that require physical endurance, such as exercise and health. This affects the value of the subjects exercised by teenagers who smoke.
3. Most likely fall into the world of drugs and drugs
Cigarettes are one form of entrance into the world of drugs and also drugs. The effects of cigarettes in the form of addiction make teenagers increasingly want to try new things. When teenagers want to find new experiences and meet the 'right' then drug addict occurs in adolescents. Nearly 90% of the use of illegal drugs in adolescents begins with the act of smoking actively and continuously.
4. The lungs stop growing
The development of the lungs will also be affected if smoking is too early. Cigarettes cause disruption to growth and lung development in children and adolescents, causing the lungs to stop growing. This disorder can lead to chronic health problems until he grows up.
Stopping smoking habits in children and adolescents may possibly make the lungs re-develop. A study also states that if a child smokes for 20 days, then the impact on the lungs as has been smoking for 40 years, and he is at risk of lung cancer.
5. Symptoms of heart disease and blood vessels that occur earlier
Smoking at a young age can cause damage to the circulatory system, which then gets worse as he grows up. When he enters adulthood, it is not impossible that various heart diseases can be directly experienced, such as coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, heart failure, heart attacks, and stroke. These diseases are the main cause of a high enough young death to occur in the world.
A study conducted in Taiwan in young active smokers showed that many of those with hypertriglyceridemia, neutrophilia, and hyperchromia were present.
6. Tooth decay
Smoking habits are a major cause of dental and oral health disorders. Nearly half of all mouth-borne infections occur in active smokers with age ranges below 30 years. A study also proved the same thing, namely very young active smokers have caries, plaque, and various gum and mouth infections more than the children of his age who do not smoke.
7. Problems of muscle and bone
Research in a fairly large scope, conducted in Belgium and involve as many as 677 adolescents. From this research note that teenagers who often smoke have low bone density and decrease peak growth that should occur at the age. Similar to previous studies, a study involving 1000 adolescent boys in Sweden found that smoking groups experienced bone fragility in the spine, neck, skull, and on the hands and feet.
8. Spend the money snack
As a teenager, almost certainly they still rely on money from parents. That way it is certain, their pocket money every day aka out, to be used to buy cigarettes. With the expiration of their pocket money, then there may be new behaviors that may arise. Such behavior is a criminal behavior, in which teens will try to earn money in any way in order to buy cigarettes.
This leads to crime, such as stealing, yapping, snatching, and so forth, which is of course very disturbing to the public.
9. Can face strict punishment from the school side
Some schools have given tough sanctions to anyone who smokes in the school area. This also applies to them adolescents. These sanctions are usually associated with warning letters as well as parental callings and there may be suspensions for the teenager.
10. Possible problems with the opposite sex
One of the most important tasks of youth development is to form and seek good relations with the opposite sex. However many of the opposite sex, especially women hate those who smoke, making teenagers may also have difficulty to establish relationships with the opposite sex. Therefore, many teenagers who smoke often have a less good relationship with the opposite sex.
11. Bad breath
The dangers of smoking for teenagers can cause bad breath and bad breath . Not only in adults, but teenagers who smoke can experience the same thing, their breath will be unpleasant and very disturbing to anyone who talks with them. In addition, with this unpleasant breath, teenagers will be easily detected that they are a smoker. This allows for social sanction, both from the school environment and the family environment.
12. Teeth yellowing
Another bad effect of smoking behavior by teenagers is the appearance of yellowing teeth. This of course will be very disturbing appearance of the teenagers, so it can cause a sense of confidence. That's some of the dangers that can be caused for teenagers who have a habit of smoking. Most of the dangers of disease are 'savings' where the disease will appear in the next few years and greatly affect the future of the teenagers themselves.
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How to prevent smoking behavior in adolescents?
To prevent smoking behavior in adolescents is quite difficult, because it requires help from various parties, ranging from family, school environment, law enforcement officers, as well as teenagers themselves. The most important is how to keep the social environment and also the association of the teenager does not adversely affect the behavior of teenagers, one of which is smoking behavior.
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