Gums is a tissue located in the mouth that has a pink color. This is because there are so many blood vessels in it. The function of the gums itself is to wrap the upper and lower jaw bones. Gums are part of the mouth attached to the teeth. This is what causes what happens to the teeth also have an impact on the gums. One of the disorders that occur in the gums is the swelling of the part. This is one of the most tortuous mouth disorders and certainly will make the sufferer complain uncomfortable.
Swollen gums indicate that there has been inflammation or inflammation that causes the gum color to be redder than usual. Here are the characteristics of swollen gums:
- The gum color becomes redder than usual
- There was a swelling that made the mouth uncomfortable
- Gums are becoming more prominent
- Sometimes the yellowish color appears as a sign that pus has appeared in the section.
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Cause :
Swollen gums can be caused by several things such as:
Gingivitis is a form of gum inflammation that can cause swollen gum disorders. In some cases, gingivitis patients can not realize that they have had gum disorders. This is because symptoms or signs of this disorder is very mild. However, if this gingivitis disorder is not treated promptly it can lead to tooth loss.
2. Oral hygiene is bad
Oral hygiene is one of the main things that can cause mouth disorders such as swollen gums. Where poor oral hygiene can lead to dental plaque which is a collection of food debris that accumulates on the teeth or between teeth mixed with bacteria. Over time if not treated immediately, the plaque can be turned into tartar which will be more difficult to remove.
3. Pregnancy
During pregnancy, a woman will become more susceptible to having swollen gum disorders. This is due to the occurrence of hormonal changes during pregnancy that can cause the body to have difficulty in fighting the onset of bacteria that cause swollen gums. It can also cause the gums to become more irritated and eventually lead to inflammation of the gums as a result of increased blood flow.
4. Infection
Swelling that occurs in the gums can also be caused due to infections caused by viruses or fungi. A person infected with the herpes virus that is a disorder of acute gingivostomatitis herpes disease or an overgrowth of candida fungus in the mouth, can cause swollen gum disorders.
5. Lack of nutrients (malnutrition)
Although rarely occurs, but the cause of swollen gums can also be due to lack of nutritional intake of foods such as foods containing vitamin B and vitamin C which has a very important role in maintaining, maintaining, and repairing the gums and teeth.
6. The use of braces and dentures are less precise
The use of stirrup or too dental braces with the gums will cause an increase in pressure on the gums that ultimately make the gums become swollen and irritated.
How to deal with swollen gums needs to be done carefully to overcome the problem of swelling of the gums thoroughly. The steps of treatment of swollen gums include:
1. Take care of yourself
It is very important for a patient to take the first step sweat gum treatment is by doing their own treatment at home. The steps that can be taken by patients include:
- Routine brushing and flossing gently to prevent irritation of the gums.
- How to maintain dental health by rinsing using saline solution to clean teeth, gums or other oral organs from bacterial threats.
- Sufficient fluid intake to stimulate the production of saliva so that it can kill bacteria that develop in the mouth that causes swollen gums.
- Avoid sources that can cause irritation to the mouth such as the use of mouthwash that contains lots of alcohol and also avoid the dangers of smoking .
- To reduce pain and to the gums, patients should apply warm compresses on the face or swollen gums.
2. Taking drugs
The doctor will likely recommend some types of medicines to help patients cope with swollen gum disorders. Among others are :
- Painkillers such as paracetamol, ibuprofen, mefenamic acid, or antalgin
- Use of antibiotics to kill bacteria that cause infection.
- Anti-inflammatory drugs such as dexamethasone to reduce the occurrence of swelling due to inflammation of the gums.
3. Oral hygiene
One way to overcome swollen gums is to remove plaque that accumulate in the teeth by using an electric toothbrush or with a soft flossing. This will help to reduce the level of damage to the teeth and to form the gum tissue.
4. Root Canal Therapy
If swelling of the gums is accompanied by a boil , the steps that must be done is to do root canal therapy and eliminate the growth of bacteria that cause decay in tooth enamel.
5. Surgical action
This action is performed primarily in cases of severe gingivitis. The procedure is performed by curettage or swelling of swollen gums so that the remaining gums can grow healthy.
6. Denture Realigning Procedure
If swollen gums are caused due to the use of dentures or the use of braces or stirrup that is not fit, then it should be a professional procedure to prevent friction on the gums.
7. Treatment the traditional way
As for some ways to overcome swollen gums that traditionally can be done include:
- Gargle with salt water solution at least 3 times a day
- By way of applying clove oil to the swollen gums for at least 2 times a day.
- By gargling by using a solution of warm water that has been mixed with lime juice at the time before bedtime or in the morning after waking up.
- By way of applying natural honey on the gums that feels pain at least 3 times a day.
- By way of merepakna red onion that has been mashed and mixed with salt on the gums that hurt.
- Gargle with water solution mixed with baking soda.
8 . Gargle warm water
Gargling with salt water is actually a way of treating aging swollen gums. But even so, until now this way is still effective to relieve swollen gums. Salt water has antibacterial properties that can kill bacteria that cause swollen gums. In fact it is also enriched with anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe gingivitis.
Provide 1 cup warm water
Add a teaspoon of salt to the kitchen
Stir until all salt is dissolved perfectly
Use the water to rinse for about a minute with a primary focus on swollen gums. Repeat again 4-5 times a day.
9. Take advantage of clove oil
How to treat the second swollen gum pain is using clove oil. Clove oil does have many benefits for health. If you will use this oil to treat swollen gums quickly then you should use the original clove oil. You simply apply the oil to the sore gums. Perform routine at least 2 times a day. In a short time swollen gums will return to normal.
10. Lime
How to treat a third swollen gum pain is to use lime. You simply use a mature lemon and then squeeze the lime. Add one glass of warm water and stir until evenly distributed. Use the ingredients to rinse. It would be better if you use this herb at night before bed and also when you wake up in the morning.
11. Honey
How to treat the fourth swollen gums pain is using honey. Honey is a food that has many benefits. In honey there are substances that can make the swelling to subside. If you will use honey to overcome the swollen gums you simply apply the honey on the sore gums. Apply at least 3 times a day and after that you will feel the swollen gums will heal. You should make sure the honey used is natural honey.
12. Use onions
The last way is to use the onion. Onions also have substances that can relieve swelling. You simply soften the onion and apply on sick gums. This one way is very powerful. But many people are reluctant to use this method because they can not stand the taste and smell of red onion. You can also mix the onion with salt.
13. Lemon plus warm water
Lemon and warm water is a powerful enough way, you just need to use ¼ lemon, then squeeze the water and mix it with ½ cup warm water. Then gargle-mouth, do this way 2 times a day then your gums will recover quickly from the swelling.
14. White water
Expand to drink water to reduce bacteria in the mouth and also you can replace the reduced saliva function by consuming lots of water.
15. Avoid stress
Dental and gum health is also affected by stress. Therefore avoid the stess and find time to refreshing and refreshing your mind. By avoiding the stress of oral health will be better.
16. Massage gums
You can do gum massage on your gums by using your index finger and massaging swollen gums in a circular motion and also over and over again. But be sure to use a clean hand so as not to trigger other bacteria in your mouth.
17. Good food for gums
Avoid eating less good for the gums by replacing it with fruits that contain lots of vitamin c. So add menus to your diet by eating foods that contain lots of good vitamins for the body.
18 . Treating swollen gums using b aking soda
You can make your own mouthwash by mixing water and also hydrogen peroxide or baking soda. You can help with mouthwash can reduce the pain in the gums. You can rinse several times a day to prevent the production and spread of bacteria in the mouth.
19 . Oral and mouth hygiene
Mild disorders, such as swollen gums, can generally be treated with more attention to oral hygiene. Maintain oral hygiene can be done by:
Brush your teeth at least 2 times a day ie after breakfast and before bed. When experiencing swollen gums try to use a soft toothbrush. In addition, make sure not to brush your teeth too rough, better brush your teeth slowly with a circular motion.
Flossing or cleaning teeth with special dental floss.
Gargle the mouth after eating to remove any food that may not be covered by a toothbrush. If necessary, use a mouthwash that is well known for its quality.
20. Avoid sugary foods
As we know sweet foods such as candy and so on are the triggers of cavities. So must avoid that.
21 . Consumption of foods rich in vitamin C and d
From now on eat lots of foods high in vitamin C such as lemons, oranges, grapes, kiwi, mango, papaya, and strawberries. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that can promote the growth of connective tissue and bone regeneration, while maintaining healthy gums.
In addition, multiply the intake of vitamin d. This type of vitamin has anti-inflammatory properties, so it can be used to treat swollen gums and prevent recurrence. Get vitamin d by basking in the morning at least 30 minutes twice a week, and do not forget the best source of vitamin D ingestion.
22 . Reduce stress
Experts agree stress becomes one of the causes of swollen gums that occur indirectly. Stress triggers a decrease in our immunity, thus making the immune system unable to fight the bacteria that cause swollen gums.
To reduce stress there are actually many paths. For example, you can take time to vacation with family once a week, go through hobbies, or do sports like mind yoga and meditation.
23 . Choose one of the following natural ingredients
Sometimes overcoming swollen gums with some healthy habits above is not enough. You need a special herb to treat swollen gums quickly. What are they?
Tea bag
According to research, tannic acid contained in tea bags has great potential to alleviate gum infections and irritations that cause swollen gums naturally.
How to use it is quite easy. First, dip the tea bag into hot water, lift and leave to cool. After that, attach the tea bag to the swollen gums for 5 minutes. Do it repeated until somewhat better.
Natural Honey
Honey has antiseptic and antibacterial properties that can be used to treat swollen gums from gingivitis. Apply enough honey to the swollen gums after you brush your teeth. However, do not apply too much honey, because the sweetness can cause pain.
24. Baking soda
Some studies prove that baking soda can neutralize the acid present in the mouth. On the basis of this is a powerful baking soda to treat swollen gums, gum disease, and tooth decay.
Healing swollen gums with baking soda is easy. First dissolve baking soda into warm water to form a paste. Then apply to the swollen gums and let it sink.
25. Onion
Onions have anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce the pain due to gingivitis, toothache, and swollen gums. Although there has been no related research, but I have proven its own usefulness. For best results add a red onion smear with salt. Then apply evenly to the swollen gums. Let stand until seep, then gargle with warm water.
26. Clove oil
This one oil is famous to have many properties, especially to treat mouth problems and complaints of toothache holes . However, before using clove oil should make sure first whether the product you buy is genuine or not.
Swollen Gum Prevention
Although in modern times there are many ways to overcome the swollen gums along with the drugs, but it's good before we feel pain due to swelling of the gums we take preventive measures. The steps include:
- Always keep the oral hygiene area, that is by routinely brushing your teeth at least 2 times a day using toothpaste containing fluoride.
- Replacing the toothbrush at least 3 months. This will prevent the spread of bacteria that can live on a toothbrush.
- Sufficient fluid intake in the body that will help the production of saliva
- Sufficient intake of nutrients such as vitamin B and also vitamin C that many we encounter in various types of fruits and vegetables.
- Perform regular examination of oral and dental health at least once a year.
- Avoid excessive use of braces or stirrups with gums.
- Avoid alcoholic beverages, or avoid smoking habits that can cause irritation of the mouth.
Drugs of sweaty gum pharmacies
l Mefenamic acid - 500 mg dose taken 3 times a day
l Clindamycin - 150 mg dose taken 3 times a day
l Dexamethasone - 0.5 mg dose taken 3x a day
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