Is it true that drinking too much water is harmful to the body ?.
Water becomes the main need for the body, because our bodies are mostly composed of water. On average each person has 60% water from his body weight. The body needs water to replace the body fluids that are reduced during our activities. Some are lost when we move in the form of sweat, urine, or tears.
All systems in the body also depend on water. Water will flush toxins from important organs, bring nutrients to body cells, and keep moisture to the tissues. Water works to help the work of organ cells, and tissues in the body. Water will neutralize toxins from the body. When we perform heavy activity and exercise, the body's metabolism will increase as it works to supply oxygen and energy substances throughout the body. Our muscles will contract and the blood vessels will widen. As a result the blood flow will flow faster. Metabolism results come out in the form of sweat. As a result our bodies can lack fluids.
Although water is needed, but be careful when consuming water, because if most will not give good effect to the body. Among them will damage the kidney and even the most fatal impact such as death. The Exercise Associated Hyponatraemia ( EAH) report notes that about 1,600 cases worldwide die from drinking excessive water.
Due To Too Much Drinking Water
What happens to our bodies when we drink too much?
1. Damaging Blood Composition.
Blood has a blood plasma with blood physiological levels of blood viscosity in the measured body. When a lot of drinking then feared will disrupt blood viscosity levels. More broadly will disrupt the circulatory system in our body.
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2. Increase the amount of blood volume.
If the volume of blood increases it will interfere with the performance of our heart and blood vessel system (closed system). The increased volume of water will be in line with the increased pressure on the closed vascular system. These conditions will make the kidneys work extra hard to reduce the amount of water in the blood circulation in the body.
3. Improve kidney performance than it should.
The body has a kidney whose function filters every liquid that enters the body. The function of the kidney as the organ of this filter is in the glomerulus . When a lot of fluid to be filtered, then the burden received by the kidney will be greater. If this is too often then the glomerulus can be damaged which causes various kidney diseases .
4. The body has hyponatraemia.
Hyponatraemia is an abnormal condition in the body, where the blood lacks sodium levels (salt levels). The kidneys are unable to filter them quickly. Sodium is an electrolyte mineral that helps regulate the amount of water content in and around the body's cells. When drinking too much water, will cause the sodium in the body to be dilute. Sodium or sodium is one of the important minerals for the body, as a guardian of salt levels in the blood.
Lack of sodium in the body can cause blood volume to decrease so that blood pressure decreases, but heart rate increases sharply. Normally the concentration of sodium in the blood ranges from 135 to 145 millimeters / liter. However, under hyponatraemia conditions this sodium concentration is less than 135 millimoles / liter. As a result the level of fluid in the body will increase, and cells can experience swelling.
5. Cell Swelling
Swelling of these cells because of increased levels of sodium in the body can trigger the problem. When this happens to brain cells it will be able to cause health problems. Lack of sodium or minimal hyponatraemia conditions can lead to easy drowsiness. But when it occurs rapidly, this lack of sodium can result in water intoxication that results in nausea, frequent urination (urination), mental disorientation, fainting, convulsions, disrupted brainstem, impaired respiratory system, and even death. Intoxication (or water intoxication) is a further result of this brain cell congestion which is an electrolyte imbalance.
6. Water poisoning case (water intoxication).
Also known as hyper-hydration or overhydration, is a potential disturbance in brain function that occurs when electrolyte balance is disrupted by consuming too much water. The case experienced by Jennifer Strange at the beginning, causing her to experience coma and sudden death due to brain swelling. This condition is quite rare in the general population, but high risk occurs in long-distance athletes or marathon runners. Athletes should consume sports drinks during exercise or a race. This water poisoning can also occur due to the danger of unhygienic refillable drinking water .
Tips on Consuming Water
Humans are advised to consume 8 (eight) glasses of water or about 2 liters of water a day to meet the needs of the liquid. Much wrong in translating it, then drinking in large quantities at once. In terms of health this is not recommended as it will make the blood volume increase, which will burden the work of the heart and kidneys. The heart will pump blood faster, and the kidneys will be forced to immediately filter it faster.
Some of the following tips can be used to meet the water needs per day.
1. Drink enough water . Not too much and not too little. Balance between water needs with discharge of body fluids during activities, light exercise, or strenuous exercise such as marathon running.
2. Drink Not Along Together. When it is recommended to consume water as much as 2-4 liters per day, not consume at the same time at the same time. The amount is still included with the amount of water in foods or drinks that contain lots of water such as soups, gravy, milk, water in fruit, or pure beverages.
3. Drink Gradually. Drink water gradually, not at once at the same time. For example, 1 (one) glass during morning morning sleep, 1 (one) glass at breakfast, 1 (one) glass meal during the day, 1 (one) glass at dinner, 1 (one) glass at bedtime.
4. Sick People Are Different. The recommendation to consume 2 - 4 liters of water per day only applies to healthy people. Those who have health problems such as kidney sufferers would have to limit the amount of water consumption to be not too much.
5. Do not Wait for the Haus. When doing sports, do not have to wait until the new thirst to drink. So although not yet thirsty and hungry, keep eating and drinking. If ignored it will be very dangerous.
6. Drinks During Sports. At the time of not exercising, a person needs to drink enough. Preferably in this condition that is drunk only water. The drink is neither hot nor cold.
7. Do not Drink Excessive After Exercise . During exercise, the antidiuretic hormone vasopressin will increase. The body will tend to hold water in the body so as not to exit much. When we drink water in large quantities, there will not be much urination. When consuming too much water the consequences will be fatal as it happens.
8. Medicinal Herbs . People who take herbs are advised to drink plenty of water. Many herbal medicines contain macromolecules that can interfere with kidney filtration function.
Many of us drink excessive water because we want to take as much benefit as possible. Logically playing, the more water then the water will flush all residues in the kidney. Whereas the water needs per person is very different depending on certain conditions such as physical activity, weather, diet, weight, gender and health conditions. Aging further, our kidney condition is getting different. Drink according to the needs and conditions of each of us.
Joseph Verbalis of Georgetown University Medical Center and International Marathon Medical Directors Assocition (IMMDA) recommends drinking to treat your thirst. " Drink to your thirst. It's the best indicator ". Thirst and thirst are the right indicators that we need to drink. Drink water when you are thirsty and thirsty, and drink enough water because of lack of drinking can also be bad for health.
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