The beautiful and ideal body shape is everyone's dream, not least the pre and the woman. To get the ideal weight condition, many ways can be done by many people. There are indeed regular exercise activities with the aim to burn fat and also form the body, as well as strict diet optimal to shape the body also become better.
However, there are also some people who choose to take an instant way to lose weight, in order to achieve the ideal body weight by taking medication peangsing. Usually, these drugs can be obtained very easily, do not have to go to a pharmacy or beauty doctor, can even easily be purchased online.
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Slimming Drugs |
The circulation of this slimming drug is like a knife ambassador, there are positive and negative sides. The positive side is, the community can have a large selection of slimming drugs that can help achieve various ideals. However, the downside, some of these slimming drug products turned out to have a harmful impact on our body.
What are the dangers of taking medication slimming?
Bahay caused by taking medication peangsing caused by the content of the drug slimming itself. There are several contents of slimming drugs that can cause side effects that can interfere with your health. the following are some of the dangers and also the side effects of slimming drugs:
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1. Uncontrolled body metabolism
One of the keys to success in achieving the ideal weight is by increasing your metabolism. With the increase in body metabolism, the body will burn more calories in the body of daily activities. Well, by using slimming drugs, your body's metabolic processes will not be controlled properly.
You can be thin and direct with slimming medicine, but the side effect is your body's metabolism will not work properly.
2. If drug use stops, then the effect is back into fat (dependence)
One of the effects that the danger of taking slimming drugs that dependence or addiction can make you experience various health problems. Usually dependence on this slimming drug occurs when you must continue to consume slimming drugs to keep your weight maintained.
This is a further effect of the uncontrolled metabolism of the body. Burning process depends only on the consumption of slimming drugs. Whereas supposedly, burning fat must rely on the body's metabolic processes.
3. Unhealthy body nutrient intake
When taking slimming drugs, almost 90% of people who take slimming drugs do not pay attention to nutritional needs well. Usually when they take slimming drugs, they will even be hungry and also reduce the important nutrients that enter the body.
With reduced nutritional intake of the body, then you can be sure you will experience weight loss is very unhealthy when taking slimming drugs.
4. Speed up the heartbeat
Side effects of the danger of taking slimming drugs is to speed up the heartbeat. A faster heartbeat is effective to increase your metabolism. However, the effect of rapidly increasing heart rate is very dangerous, let alone the intensity can occur more often and become abnormal.
5. Dizziness and headaches
Other effects of slimming drug consumption is can cause dizziness and headaches . Usually a headache often dizzy can arise due to decreased metabolic processes of the body. This is also exacerbated by the lack of nutrient intake in your body.
6. Nausea and vomiting
In addition to causing dizziness and headaches, other effects of slimming drugs is to cause nausea, and can also cause vomiting. This is usually one of the side effects of the danger of taking slimming drugs that make you become like a bulimic . Where you immediately vomit your stomach after eating, it also greatly affects the intake of nutrients and nutrients in your body.
7. May cause allergies
Some slimming drugs may have certain chemicals that may cause allergies . Of course this is very bad for you, especially those who have sensitive body condition of certain chemicals. This will make it easier to experience allergies when taking slimming drugs.
8. Constipation and difficult bowel movements
Other side effects that are bad for health is taking slimming drugs can cause constipation and constipation. Some slimming drugs have chemicals that some of the danger of taking slimming drugs can even lead to constipation and also cause difficulty defecating on consumers.
9. Insomnia
Insomnia is a further effect of increased heart rate. Increased heart rate in excess and also abnormal will make you more difficult to sleep and experience insomnia. In fact, one important factor that can make your diet successful is adequate rest.
How will you succeed in the diet, if the slimming drugs you drink actually make you experience the characteristics of lack of adequate sleep ?
10. The occurrence of mood changes
Another side effect of taking slimming drugs is to make a change in your mood. You can feel annoyed and angry when taking slimming drugs. It's not all, but there are some slimming drugs that can cause side effects such mood changes.
11. Cause seizures
Slimming drugs that you consume also have the potential to cause seizures in your body. This seizure can occur because of your body that may experience a mismatch with slimming drugs that you consume. This can also happen because the intake of nutrients that enter into your body very little.
12. May cause hypertension
It turns out the danger of taking slimming drugs can cause high blood pressure (hypertension) aka the rise in blood pressure. This is also triggered by the increased work of a faster heartbeat, causing your blood pressure to increase. This can make you even experience a variety of other health problems due to high blood thoughts .
13. Painful joints
Other side effects that may occur when deciding to take slimming drugs are, can cause pain, such as knee joint pain and on the joints.
14. Cramps in the abdomen
A stomach cramp disposal is one of the more advanced effects and is also one of the effects that leads to the emergence of constipation and also difficult bowel movements that you experience
15. Allergies
Side effects or danger from taking certain drugs that mnyebabkan allergy. In certain slimming drugs a person who does not fit to consume it will cause allergies such as skin burns, or appear red spots on the surface of the skin. Allergies will also worsen the skin if not treated properly, will occur irritation or can trigger skin cancer.
16. Often CHAPTER
One of the ingredients contained in slimming drug orlistat that will cause us to defecate too often. If we consume it continuously it will cause a sustained diarrhea that will cause the body to dehydrate, feel tired, weak, tired and lethargic while doing the activity. In addition, this condensation also results in frequent exhaust gas and stomach cramps.
17. Hypertension
Sibutramin content above not only cause seizures, will also cause high blood pressure or sring we call hypertension. In addition to sibutramin content, ephedra content is also a trigger for high blood pressure, ehphedra is very dangerous when consumed by children who will lead to poisoning.
18. Kidney Failure
Kidney is one of the most important organs in the body, because it plays a role in the screening process. This kidneys filter out the incoming components in the body, if we consume drugs one of them slimming drugs will cause our kidneys work very hard to filter it. It happens if the kidneys work continuously without a break it will happen damage that usually trigger kidney failure.
19. Psychosocial Problems
Often when we do weight loss program, we experience stress because the weight does not go down and down. Stress is also triggered because it consumes slimming drugs, because in the drug content affect the emotions of a person and can also cause depression.
20. Difficult Body Absorb Vitamins
Vitamins are necessary for the body because it is used to support the work function of every organ of the body. There are certain types of vitamins that are aruted in water and some are soluble in fat. However, if we consume slimming drugs for the diet then what happens is the body will be difficult to absorb the vitamin into the body. It will also cause decreased performance of certain organs in the body.
21. Frequent Dispose of Gas
Slimming drug contains Orlistat which will cause us to frequent exhaust gas. Although there are some opinions when we dispose of gas then toxins in the body will also be wasted it is not always true, because the gas discharged here due to the influence of slimming drugs.
22. Muscle Fatigue
Muscle fatigue is caused by the content of Phenytoin in slimming drugs. Where this phenitoin causes the bones to become weak that will affect the unmoved muscle due to the bone terrsebut. In addition, this content is also capable of causing anemia, bleeding and jaundice.
23. Feelings of Restlessness
In addition to feelings of stress and depression, this slimming drug will also cause a feeling of anxiety that prolonged. Those who usually take this drug will often daydream and feel confused even though not faced with a particular problem.
24. Menapouse Early
Someone who consumes chemical drugs, will tend to look old before his age. Because of the effect of the drug that gives the efeksamping like the skin more wrinkles, orrgan function decline and so forth.
25. Dehydration
One of the effects of the use of this slimming drug that causes the body kekuranan liquid, because the body is always issued a liquid to remove the drug from the work of the kidney. This will make the body short of fluid resulting in prolonged dehydration.
26. Menstrual cycle in irregular women
Menstruation is a cycle that every month experienced by women. If we consume this will affect the menstrual cycle, because our reproductive organs slow down as well as acceleration at work. It is recommended for doctors, during menstruation we should not consume any kind of medication.
27. Cause Cancer
Some slimming drugs contain phenolphthalein which is a laxative, which will cause cancer. This content is very dangerous for our body, because the actual content of phenolphthalein is not allowed to be circulated let alone consumed by someone.
28. Cause Death
If we continue to consume this slimming drug will have an impact on the emergence of various serious diseases that will lead to death. One of the content that causes death is Epedhra.
How to slim body properly?
To be able to achieve ideal body weight, you should avoid to take slimming drugs. because the danger of taking slimming drugs can cause various health problems. To get the ideal weight, here are some tips you can do:
- Exercise regularly
- A lot of water consumption
- Expand the consumption of foods rich in fiber , foods that contain protein and also other important vitamins
- Limit the amount of calories that enter the body
- Sleep regularly
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