Danger of Sleep Due Late Night For Health

Sleep is one of the basic human needs which according to experts function is more important than food. Because someone will be able to survive longer without food than without sleep. With no food at all, a person can still survive about 40 days, without a drink a person can survive for about 3 days, without an air survival ability in just a few minutes, while without sleep a person can only survive for 11 days. This shows that human vital needs if sorted are: air, water, sleep, and food.
Sleep alone in the view of experts has many definitions. Some say that sleep is a condition of the subconscious, which with the condition that one can be awakened through the provision of sensory stimuli and with other types of stimuli.
Danger of Sleep Due Late Night For Health
There is also a opinion that sleep is a physiological process with alternating cycles and has a longer period of kejerjagaan. While some experts point out that sleep is a relatively unconscious condition with repetitive sequence and minimal activity, and awareness varies with physiological changes, and decreases response in response to external stimuli.

Negative Impact of Sleep Deprivation

Given the importance of sleep for the needs of the human body, those who often sleep late at night, in itself must be ready to face the various risks that must he received due to lack of sleep. The negative effects of sleep late or sleep deprivation include:

1. Reduced Concentration
The sleep cycle can strengthen the memory in the mind that helps one in concentrating. So that those who often sleep late at night will be disturbed concentration, reasoning, vigilance, as well as its ability to solve problems.

2. Impact on Health
Because sleep plays a role in blood circulation, improve the body's cells, and help the production of enzymes and hormones, then those who sleep less by itself will be at risk of health problems. In fact, if the lack of sleep is continuous and is at a chronic stage, then the health problems that will appear are also very serious, such as:

  • high blood pressure,
  • heart disease,
  • stroke,
  • diabetes, and so on.

3. Lowering Sexual Passion
Levels of libido and sexual arousal in men and women will decrease due to lack of sleep, because their energy is drained and their blood pressure increases. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism states that men who suffer from breathing problems so sleep is disturbed (sleep apnea), low testosterone levels at night, while testosterone itself has a role in encouraging one's sex libido.

4. Become forgetful
A study conducted in France and America found that "sharp wave ripples" or brain events are responsible for strengthening the memory of the brain, and transferring existing data from the hippocampus to the neocortex in the brain, where all long-term memories are stored. Sharp wave ripples are common during sleep. That is why, those who often sleep late at a certain time will be forgetful.

5. Causes of Depression
Feelings of sadness, anger, stress, and mental fatigue will be experienced by those who for 7 days in a row sleep less than 5 hours. That's why, according to the results of the study, those with insomnia, are 5 times more likely to develop depression.

6. Obesity
Being overweight also threatens those who often sleep late. Those who sleep less than 6 hours a day, almost 30% have a tendency to be fat than those who have time to sleep 7 - 9 hours per day. This is because during sleep there is a decrease in leptin (satiety signals to the brain and stimulate appetite), and increased ghrelin (hunger stimulant). Those who often sleep late, not only aroused their appetite, but also arise a strong desire to eat a variety of foods without control, such as fatty foods or high-berkabohidrat food.

7. Influence on Skin Health
Not only the sunken eyes, those who sleep less will also look pale, with dull skin, accompanied by fine lines on the skin. This is because at the time of lack of sleep, the body will release more hormones cortisol or stress hormones. Whereas excessive amounts of cortisol hormone can solve skin collagen, while the function of collagen itself to maintain the smoothness of the skin and to make skin stay elastic.

8. Increase Risk of Death
The impact of the most frightening sleep deprivation is the increased risk of death. According to British researchers, Whitehall, those who sleep less than 5 - 7 hours a day, will experience increased risk of death due to various factors, and have twice the risk of death due to cardiovascular disease.

9. Fast Old
Sleep is the time the body to get rid of toxins or toxins that all day we get and restore our stamina and skin function. Sleeping late at night will make the body's performance is not maximized in removing the toxins that cause us to get old quickly.

Ideal Sleep Time

To be able to benefit from sleep as mentioned above, of course, needed an ideal sleep time. In general the ideal sleep time is based on a person's age is as follows:

  • At Neonatus age 0 months - 1 month needed sleep time 14 - 18 hours per day.
  • At the time Babies age 1 month - 18 months it takes sleep 12 - 14 hours per day.
  • At the age of 18 months - 3 years old children need to sleep 11 - 12 hours per day.
  • In the Pre-school age 3 years - 6 years it takes 11 hours of sleep per day.
  • At the age of 6 - 12 years old school takes 10 hours of sleep per day.
  • In Youth aged 12 years - 18 years required sleep time 8.5 hours per day.
  • In Adulthood age 18 years - 40 years it takes 7 hours of sleep per day.
  • In the middle aged age 40 years - 60 years it takes 7 hours of sleep per day.
  • In Adulth Old age of 60 years and over takes 6 hours of sleep per day.

However, sleep time is determined not only by one's age, but also by some other factors, such as physical endurance, health, and mental activity. Thus, even though one's age is the same, the ideal sleep time it needs is not necessarily the same, because the other factors are contributing.

Difficult Sleep Reasons

There are various reasons why you sleep late at night.

  1. Caffeine consumption during the day is too much (coffee, tea). One of the dangers of coffee is the difficulty of sleeping at night.
  2. Stomach ulcers and acid. Both of these diseases can make you difficult to sleep.
  3. Stress. Problems that accumulate in the mind are very important to overcome.
  4. Napping too long.
  5. Consumption of energy drinks
  6. Food consumption is too spicy
  7. Other diseases such as insomnia, stroke, neurological disorders, and aneurysms can cause this.

Sleep Tips On Time

When to sleep on time? of course at least 8 hours for those of you who are still productive, tipsnya

  • Do not consume too much caffeinated beverages
  • Sports
  • Do not eat too late
  • No nap
  • Eat fiber-rich foods in the afternoon.

Benefits of Sleep

The fact that humans can not survive without sleep, suggests that sleep has functions and benefits for human life. As for the benefits of sleep according to the restoration theory, there are at least 6 things:

1. Fixing Brain Cells
At bedtime, the human brain gets a chance to rest and repair brain cells or damaged neurons. At the same time, important but rarely used interconnections between brain cells will be refreshed. Like a motor, although not in use, the engine must be heated every day, so that the fuel and lubricants can flow smoothly in moving the engine, and other parts can still function normally, so the engine does not get damaged. The same is true of the brain, the connection between brain cells that are rarely used, need to be warmed up or stimulated regularly through an activity called sleep.

2. Memory Rearrangement
While sleeping, the brain gets a chance to reconstruct memory or data to find solutions to the problems at hand. Therefore, for those who are deadlocked when looking for solutions to various problems, it is advisable to stop brain activity by sleeping.

3. Energy Efficiency
Energy consumption and metabolism during sleep are at the lowest point. That is why, for those who are fasting, it is recommended to use some time to sleep, so that body metabolism is not disturbed because energy intake is lower than usual days.

4. Improve the Circulatory System
During sleep, the circulatory system or cardiovascular system will rest. The results show that those who have normal blood pressure or high blood pressure, blood pressure will be reduced by about 20-30%, and heart rate will be slower about 10-20%.

5. Improving Enzymes
While sleeping, the enzymes and muscles of the old or damaged body will be replaced with new body cells. With these functions, sleep can help speed up wound healing or injury.

6.Helping Hormone Production
During sleep, blood will produce more hormones, such as luteinizing hormone that works in helping the process of maturity or puberty, and the process of reproduction.

But make sure you have enough sleep to restore your body condition, the danger of sleeping late at night is very much and can lead to chronic effects.

Thus the explanation of Healthy Ways about the dangers of sleep late at night "stay up" for health may be useful and increase knowledge about health.

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