Sleep Dangers Before 11:00 am

The danger of sleeping in the morning before 11:00 hours or in the morning is very important for us to know because there are some very deadly for health. Some of our parents sometimes forbid us to sleep in the morning. Sometimes they will tend to be angry when they find out we are hard to get up early, and still lie on the mattress. Their attitude is not unwarranted. There is a good reason why we should not sleep in the morning.

The philosophy of sleep :
Before explaining the reason, I am here to explain a little about the philosophy of sleep. Sleep is an activity needed by all humans. Where when we sleep, it's time to regenerate the cells in the body. And sleep is one form of healing that is quite effective. However, sleeping here will also adversely affect our health, when we do not carry out proper sleeping activities, such as sleeping too long, sleeping in the morning or late afternoon. On this occasion, I will explain the effects / effects on our health condition when we sleep in the morning. May be useful.

Sleep Dangers Before 11:00 am

1. The Problem of Metabolic Imbalance
When we often sleep, let alone sleep too long. It is not good for our body. Where these habits do not fit properly. Because the rhythm of the body not only to sleep alone, but also beraktifitas as well. When sleeping in the morning is too long, this will affect the body's metabolic rate, which when the morning ideally breakfast time starting from 06:00 to 08:00. However, when our bodies are still in a state of course sleep hunger that we will experience will feel longer too, and when this happens will affect the speed of metabolism in the body. And consequently will increase body weight.
2. get up is getting lethargic all day
In addition to the effects / impact above, sleeping in the morning will affect our physical condition. Where when a person sleeps excessively, this will affect the energy in your body. This is because the metabolism that occurs when you are in a state of sleep is still in the "set" at night. While when you sleep in the morning, this will affect the body system is less work in norm, which will affect our energy level when waking up.

3. Headache
When sleeping in the morning, of course the quota of time that we use to sleep longer. This will also affect the condition of our heads are easily dizzy. This is because when we fall asleep there is cerebrospinal fluid that flows into the brain. When we sleep too long, it will keep the substance flowing in our brain and this causes headaches. This headache is also caused by the dangers of sleeping pills for those of you who consume them.

4. Prone to Blood Cancer
When we sleep, especially in the morning this will result in our body there is an increase in white blood levels that exist. When this happens, will cause our body condition prone to blood cancer. Especially when we sleep at 10 am - 12 noon, this will be very fata for our body metabolism work.

5. Diabetes Disease
It is no different from the danger of sleeping after eating , when we sleep too long, until the morning. This will cause the metabolism in our body will decrease, when this happens will affect the existing performance processes in our body, one of which regulates sugar levels in the body. When this happens, the symptoms of diabetes tend to be closer to those who sleep longer than usual.

6. Heart Disease
With the results of existing research, which has been done by the Nurses Health Study on 72,000 women here shows that when a woman sleeps too long until the morning haro, where the time range of about 9-11 hours. This is close to a 38% higher risk of heart disease. Heart disease can also occur due to the danger of dinner before going to sleep because the stomach takes at least 4 hours to process our food.

7. Risk of Death
Frequent sleeping until the morning, which includes sleeping habits for up to 9 hours. This will bring us closer to a higher risk of death. Although this research is still not certain, but clearly known that sleeping too long until the morning, it is bad for the health of the body.

8. Other Deadly Disease Risk
There are many of the most deadly diseases in the world that you can experience because of sleeping in the morning, especially after eating. The diseases include:

Less blood. The danger of anemia is very deadly for the human body, you will be weak and the eyes are blazing.
Imbalance of brain function.
The danger of sleeping in the morning before 11:00 ought to know well, because there are several risks that are very deadly body and make it weak and pile up disease.
Thus the explanation of Healthy Ways about the dangers of morning sleep for health may be useful and increase knowledge about health.

Source: Click Here

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